ELEVENTH HOUR by LRI 10 23 showcases individuals in the football realm—those with a distinctive voice, a unique style, and an inspiring presence that transcends the game, leaving a mark in multiple dimensions.








Georg Teigl is not just your typical footballer; he's a multifaceted individual with a deep passion for the game and beyond. And for personal growth.
Starting from a childhood dream with just a ball in hand, Georg's journey has been shaped by iconic influences like Ronaldinho and Thierry Henry and memorable moments on the pitch.
Off the pitch, he explores creative outlets like photography while focusing on mindset, motivation and self-improvement. His journey reflects resilience, adaptability and a commitment to embracing new challenges.

Georg, thank you for the incredibly inspiring talk. It's always a game-changer hearing from someone who truly walks the walk!

What attracted you to a career in football?

GT/ It was a boys dream. I loved the game from day one and all I needed was a ball and myself.

GT/ My first memory was about the Brazilian national team back in ‘98. I wanted to be like them, especially R9 and Ronaldinho. I wore the yellow shirt everywhere but it didn't stop there, I even wore a religious chain around my neck to feel like them. Along the way there have been many other athletes who became idols, I took many as role models and saw them as my heroes. One of them was Thierry Henry, his grace, elegance and focus impressed me. Years later at RB Leipzig I even spent 90 minutes watching a game sitting side by side, that was incredible.

Did you have any idols when growing up; in football or in any other area of your life? Someone you felt influenced by a lot, regarding career or mindset?

If you were not a footballer, what other possibilities would you tend to? Any hidden interest?

GT/ Man, I really am someone with a lot of contradictions within myself. A lot of talents and interests.
I may have become an artist, a golfer, a photographer or an architect. For real, I have a rational but also a heavy creative side, means I find it very easy to express myself through written words or pictures.
I love people, I love life. Where I would have ended up? I don't know exactly but it would have been an exciting place. At the moment I am in that same spot again, so stay tuned where I end up.

Are there any particular clubs or groups which hold a special place in your heart? And why?

GT/ As a fan, I’m not a fanatic for one particular club, so I keep it mixed up depending on what impresses me about the club. It could be the fans, the way they play or that special connection between a city and their team.

As a player there had been many memories made at the clubs I played for. Winning titles at Salzburg was amazing but I didn't appreciate it that much since I was too young to really understand what it meant. My time in Leipzig was very special, I felt a strong connection to the people chanting for us. They appreciated the player but the person I was even more. Apart from the fans we had an amazing team, I kind of grew up during that time and became an adult.

GT/ My admiration goes beyond their abilities, it’s how they behave on the field, filling peoples hearts with joy and hope. A good player is someone who never puts themselves first but steps up when he/she needs to. He/She needs to develop a feeling of reading the game, anticipating situations before they are present. There is so much a good player needs, we could talk for hours.

What is it that you like most about them? What makes a good player in your opinion?

What has been your favorite memory?

GT/ My favorite memories were the promotions to the Bundesliga, the feeling of reward was incredible.

There are many highs and lows in football–you can even say it’s an emotional rollercoaster. Was there a particular moment in your career that was particularly impactful for you, whether positive or negative?

GT/ Since it's been 15 years, so much has happened. To point out one particular moment isn't easy.
Like the question already is pointing out, the time flies so fast and it truly feels like a time machine in regards of emotions, relationships, heartbreaks, successes or challenges. It's all happening at the same time. I don't think there's anything comparable. We players play 15 years as professionals but at the same time gaining 25 in experience.
I must say the biggest challenges had the biggest impact on me. When someone doubting my abilities, I learned to use it as fuel to prove it to me and them. It made me stronger a person.

Have all the experiences you made in football shaped your personality away from football?

GT/Yes, I became more resilient, stronger and gained absolute knowledge about how much I can rely on myself. Noone can do it for you, we all have to go through the pain to make it.

What has been your biggest lesson learned on your way to becoming an athlete/football?

GT/ That talent isn’t enough. It shows when you look at all the players who never made it as professionals. Many of them had talent, but never realized they had to stay hungry.

GT/ Thierry Henry: «On a good day, no one can stop me»

My father always said: «Today is a day to win.»
He always said it when he drove me to the games when I was a kid and I believed it and always will. We can win the days for us, but first we need to deserve it. First, we give.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Are you a good loser?

GT/ I hate losing.

Let’s talk modern masculinity in football, that help bring the women's game to kind of a new level…

In terms of changing the narrative with regards to «the standing of women’s football in a men’s world» what is something you would like to see change? How do you think men's football can contribute to the growth and development of women's football? How can the football community better support gender equality in the sport?

GT/ The history of women's football is unique and not the same as it was for men. I see a bright future for the women's game and it doesn't have to be the exact same as it is for men. We need opinion leaders who use their reputation for the development of the game. We need to make the biggest impact possible, showing girls that it's a dream worth fighting for. The good thing is, the game developed over the last 100 years, making best practices from the men's game visible and therefore applicable to women's football. Broadcasters should maximize visibility, clubs need to push their women's teams, sponsors need to be attracted and so on. The clubs need to be obligated to spend a certain percentage of the budget for the women's department.
I see big brand fits, women are strong, fun, attractive, inspirational and have a unique fan base. Can't wait to see how the landscape will look in 10 years.

GT/ In terms of sports and demanding the best from myself, I am. But aren't we all like that? Sure, it's not always healthy, but it takes away distractions we don't want. As a pro, you need to be perfectionistic in some way, because you can't allow yourself to be happy with average outcomes. If you give your best, that's all you can do. Perfectionism shouldn't be lived excessive in all parts of our lives. Strive for the perfect shot, while knowing that it never will be perfect.

We heard someone say that you are somehow perfectionistic. Is this true? How helpful and how exhausting and dangerous can that character trait be for a professional athlete?

GT/ Having a picture of myself what kind of person I want to be while living a life with nonnegotiable values. I want to be proud of myself, not being distracted all the time from things that are not desirable. I want to master my emotions and thoughts, showing myself that I am bigger than them.

How do you stay true to yourself?

We like your style! Some say, fashion is an important language of expression. What do you think of expressing yourself via clothing?

GT/ We must look forward, the rear mirror is small for a reason. Indeed, things were different, but still, I don't see the basic values of life or sport change. If you speak to people, they value the same stuff as 50 years ago. It's all about us being a social species, enjoying good times with friends, dreaming big dreams, taking care of our parents, or being kind. What has changes is our ability to focus on the present, soaking in moments with our eyes and hearts instead of filming it. Some of us do stuff for others, we should do it for us without any specific reason.
In football we are seeing a strong change for many years now. Either its team structures or the need to market everything global with maximum profit. The business part became too big. Don't get me wrong, it's part of the game but it's important to listen to the fans also. We want our next generation to be open, inclusive and not drilling them thinking things obey only extrinsic motivations.

Do you romanticize the time pre-internet? Do you think there were certain values then that have since disappeared (in general and in football)?

GT/ Everything is expression, it can go a million ways. I just want to dress well, it feels sort of self-respecting me and my world around me. I don't dress to impress.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words? What other 3 characteristics would you like to be able to use to describe yourself in the future?

GT/ Humble, Creative, Loving.

Wise, Calm, Experienced.

GT/ It was a process, that lasted a year. It still is weird and sometimes I want to start again.

Was there a key moment for your decision to end you pro career?

You just held a master class on mindset, motivation, and method. Can you share some insights with us and our readers?

GT/ Understand that you only need yourself to cultivate a positive mindset—nobody else can do it for you. You need all three components to achieve what you want. And remember, don’t be too hard on yourself!

What projects have you got coming up?

GT/ I’m finishing my UEFA CFM Program in the next months, I will continue to try things and meet people.

